Preparing for a stay in a hospital can be a worrisome situation. To help you and your family prepare, we have compiled this information to help you gain an understanding of what you can expect when you stay at or visit Meritus Medical Center.
Helpful Information About Your Stay
Before Your Arrival
For planned trips to the hospital, you may choose to pack a few personal items to bring with you. To make your stay more comfortable, we suggest bringing:
- Photo ID, insurance information
- A list of current medications
- A list of any known allergies
- Basic toiletries, such as deodorant, toothbrush, or a hair brush. Of course, these will be provided if you prefer to leave yours at home.
- Books, magazines, cards, knitting, or other things to occupy any downtime you may have
- Comfortable clothing to go home in
We recommend that you do not bring large amounts of cash, expensive jewelry, or other valuables. Our campus is a weapons free campus- no knives, guns or weapons of any kind will be permitted into the building. Please leave these items at home.
Arriving to Meritus Medical Center
Upon your arrival to Meritus Medical Center, you may park in a parking space of your choosing. Employees have been asked to park in the yellow-lined spaces only, to allow patients and visitors access to the spaces closer to the facilities.
Patient Folder
Each patient will receive a patient folder which includes information about Meritus Medical Center, area resources, and more. This folder should also hold any and all information handed to you by your care team and should be taken home with you.
During Your Stay
During your stay at Meritus Medical Center, a variety of services are available to you including:
Your Room
Meritus Medical Center boasts all single-patient rooms. Each room features a large window, a bed, a chair for visitors, and a private bathroom. Within your room, you can expect:
Room Temperature Control
If you wish to change the temperature in your room, you can do so with the thermostat. It can be found near the door to the room.
A phone is available to you at all times and can be found on your bedside table.
Care Board
Each room has a care board that will feature the date, the names of members of your care team, and other pertinent information.
Meritus Medical Center Employees
All employees are required to wear badges identifying them as health system employees. If you are in need of anything during your stay, please do not hesitate to ask any employee for assistance. Each employee who enters your room should introduce themselves and wash their hands. Please do not hesitate to ask an employee their name or to wash their hands.
If You Need Assistance
If at any time you need a nurses' assistance, please press the nurse call button located on your handheld.
For patients at Meritus Medical Center, a unit assistant will stop by to take your order for each meal. Meals will be delivered and removed by friendly nutrition services staff.
For your visitors, Meritus Medical Center dining options include the Robin's Cove and the Coffee Kiosk. All of our dining options accept major credit cards, cash, or gift certificates, which are available from the hospital cashier.
Internet Access
There is a public computer kiosk to access the internet located in the outpatient testing waiting area. In addition, a wireless network named "MHGUEST" is available for use throughout the hospital. To access MHGUEST, connect your wireless device to the network, then open an internet browser and read and agree to the terms and conditions. There is no charge to patients or visitors for internet access.
Patient Advocacy
The Patient Advocate is available to patients and families to assist in their experience at Meritus Medical Center. We know being hospitalized can be a stressful experience. If at any point, we are not meeting your expectations, we encourage you to bring these concerns to the attention of your care team or a manager where you are receiving your care. If your concerns remain unresolved, we encourage you to reach out to the Department of Patient Advocacy. Advocates are available to respond to your concerns, serving as a liaison with your health care team to assist with navigating your health care experience at Meritus Medical Center.
The Department of patient advocacy is staffed Monday- Friday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Advocates can be reached via phone, email or mail:
Phone: 301-790-8499 or 301-790-8662Email:* Please note that calls or emails received after hours will be returned on the next business day.
Patient Information Line
If your loved one is in the hospital, you can call the Patient Information Line at 301-790-8160 to verify their room number to send flowers, call, or visit.
After Your Discharge
Your care does not stop when you are discharged home from the hospital. Meritus Health care managers will call to check on you, ensure you understand your discharge instructions, and help you find any additional care you may need.
We know that you have choices when planning a hospital stay, and we appreciate you choosing Meritus Medical Center. Because your honest feedback is important to us, you may be receiving a survey in the mail shortly. Please send it back with your comments on your experience in our hospital. Remember, we are listening to you!